Our Youth Groups (run jointly with Chudleigh Baptist Church) are for school years 6 to 13 and meet on Tuesday evenings. They are fun, safe spaces for young people to be together, to talk about things that are important to them, and to discover Jesus for themselves (with dessert and games, of course!).
The group is led by a fantastic team of volunteers headed up by Alex Sharp (Vicar at Chudleigh Parish) and Miia Thomas (from Chudleigh Baptist Church).
School years 6-9 meet 7-8pm at Chudleigh Parish Church on Tuesday evenings.
School years 9-13 meet fortnightly on Sunday evenings (please be in touch for more information).
(Young people in year 9 can choose to go to one or both groups).
You are very welcome to just turn up on a Tuesday night with your young person, or for more information please contact us.