Jesus had a special concern for children, telling his disciples “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them” (Matthew 19:14).
Chudleigh Parish Church wants to be a place where children can safely experience the love and message of Jesus for themselves. You’ll find more information about how we do this below - with details about our weekly Sunday School, the Miniones Parent and Toddler Group, Messy Church and Upcoming special events.
Sunday School
Sunday School runs as part of our main service every week for children in Primary School (ages 4-11).
Children stay in for the first part of our service and then head to the fellowship area for their own bible story, discussion, games and craft.
To find out more, come along on a Sunday or get in touch.
Upcoming Events for Children:
Miniones is our parent and toddler group which runs every Tuesday 9.30-11.30am.
It is for children aged 0-4 with their parent or carer. There are toys, crafts and games, along with refreshments for children and adults.
You can find out more through the Miniones Facebook Page.
Messy Church runs on the second Saturday of most months from 3.30-5.30pm.